Introducing CRAB 

Welcome to the Crab Market...
Crab Market is an innovative decentralized platform offering
variable yield options. Utilizing a symbiotic relationship between burning, staking and price
through DeFi to maximize growth and sustainability.
Fully audited by Techrate : Crab
Market Audit
Doing your own research is vital in the cryptosphere, but if you're feeling a bit crabby rn, we
get it bro. 👊
Here's how things work...
- Staking CRAB in the stake pool accrues interest at a minimum of 4.20% APY, paid in CRAB. Staking has a minimum 7 day locked staking period from your most recent stake, claim or roll. Claim accrued interest at any point throughout the duration of your stake.
- Burning CRAB pumps the price and maximizes staking returns. CRAB achieves this by automatically burning a copy of the amount burnt in the CRAB/ETH Uniswap v2 pair. This increases price alongside using your burnt amount as a metric to calculate your individual staking APY up to a maximum of 10x (42.0%), achieve max staking APY by burning a total of 90% of your staked balance!
- Referring users to Crab Market rewards you, enjoy a 5% copy of your referrals staking interest forever. A referrer must have used the platform in the past before referrering others (e.g. staking). Users cannot self refer. A 3% copy of staking interest is also allocated to developer.
- CRAB offers an interesting staking mechanism, giving further depth to tokenomics and game-theory elements surrounding CRAB.

Total Supply

CRAB Price

Become a Crab
Claw your way to the moon.
Buy CRABVerified CRAB Contract Code :
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